الأحد، 26 أكتوبر 2014

Angry Birds Friends Tournament Week 128 - Week 129 level 6 power up - no power 27 oct 2014

Angry Birds Friends Tournament Week 128 level 6
Angry Birds Friends Tournament halooween Week 128 level 6 no power  27 october  2014 high score : 380,700 k 

Strategy Angry Birds Friends Tournament halooween week 128 level 6 Facebook , get 3 Star  High Score If you don't use no Power

Description : 

1 _ Send a bird to black hole
2 _ Send a black bird to the center of the structure
3 _ Send a bird to the front of the black box
4 _ Send a black bird to another fund

Angry Birds Friends Tournament halooween Week 128 level 6 Power up 27 october  2014 high score : 396,230 k 

Strategy Angry Birds Friends Tournament halooween week 127 level 6 Facebook , get 3 Star And High Score Power-up

Description :
1 _ using the powerful golden slingshot and power potion and king sling and wingman
2 _ Send bird Wing Man to the front of the pyramid
3 _ Send to a bird Black Pyramid
4 _ Send to black bird amid the rubble
5 _ Send a bird to the back of the black box

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